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Cellreand Privacy Policy


By Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, 'Cellreand' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Member') establishes and discloses the following personal information processing guidelines to protect members’ prompt and smoothly handle grievances related thereto.



Article 1 (Items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection)

When collecting personal information, the House of Representatives shall notify the scope and purpose of collection in advance when applying for membership or in the terms of use by relevant laws and regulations. Personal information collection items are as follows


1. Collected information when registering on the homepage

1) Collected items: name, ID, password, address, mobile phone number, social security number, gender, email, access log, cookies, access IP information

2) How to collect personal information: Homepage (registration)

The following information may be automatically generated and collected in the process of using the service or in the course of service provision. Service usage history, access logs, cookies, and access IP information

2. What to collect during an encounter

1) Required items: Social Security number, name (Korean), date of birth, address, email, visit route

2) Health information: Personal health information deemed necessary by the medical staff to provide medical services, such as medical history and family history.

3. What to collect when collecting medical bills

1) For credit card payment: Card payment authorization information such as card company name, card number, etc.

If we collect personal information for a short period for other specific purposes, we will notify and collect it separately.

4. How we collect personal information

1) Collection via homepage, written forms, fax, telephone, consultation boards, email, etc.



Article 2 (Purpose of Collection and Processing of Personal Information)


The council processes the collected personal information for the following purposes. All information provided by users will not be used for purposes other than those required for the following purposes, and if the purpose of use is changed, we will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent by Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.


 1. Identification procedure for medical treatment/examination/reservation inquiry and medical treatment

 2. Providing medical services for diagnosis and procedures

3. resources to support your practice, including billing, payment, and reimbursement

 4. Resources for stem cell culture when requesting stem cell culture management

5. send certificates, send items related to the examination

6. minimum analytics required for education, research, and clinical services

7. entrust online/offline inspection, referral to external inspection

8. Provide medical content and clinical research information

9. Provide homepage membership service

10. statistics on Service Usage

11. ensure communication channels to help with complaints/grievances, etc.

12. Resources for handling online consultation responses

13. Provide information about new services and offers

14. materials for developing new services and providing personalized services

15. legal and administrative responses and measures for medical quality management and clinic operation

 16. Service usage records, access logs, cookies, and access IP information

17. Providing services such as surveys and events

 (To facilitate the above paragraph, personal information processing (handling) tasks (direct mail, etc.) may be outsourced to external specialized companies.

 and disclose the contents on the homepage)



Article 3 (Processing and Retention of Personal Information)


 Members of the National Assembly shall process and retain personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information by laws and regulations or within the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from members.

 The periods for processing and retaining personal information are as follows


1. Homepage membership registration and management: When you cancel your membership or are removed as a member


 2. In case of stem cell culture management request: When you withdraw from membership or are expelled from membership



3. Records collected for medical treatment: Preserved by the period specified in Article 15 of the Enforcement Rules of the Medical Act, "Preservation of Records on Medical Treatment" (patient register: 5 years, medical records: 10 years), (Preservation items: name, address, resident registration number, medical information)


 4. Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)



5. collected for a survey, event, etc.: when the survey, event, etc. has ended.


6. For information on the collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years by the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information

 Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information for 3 years (retention items: card payment authorization information such as card name and card number)


* However, even if the purpose of collecting or receiving the information is fulfilled, the personal information of the member may be retained if it is necessary to preserve it by the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Commercial Act.



 Article 4 (Procedure and Method of Destruction of Personal Information)


In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is fulfilled, the National Assembly destroys the information without delay. The procedure and method of destruction are as follows


1. destruction procedure

Information entered by members for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (separate filing cabinet in case of paper

 In the case of paper, a separate filing cabinet) by the internal policy and other related laws for information protection reasons (see Retention

 and usage period) It is stored for a certain period and then destroyed. Personal information transferred to a separate DB is not retained unless required by law

 and will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was retained.


2. destruction methods

Personal information stored in electronic form will be deleted using technical methods that make the records unrecoverable.

 using technical methods that make it impossible to reproduce the record. Personal information printed on paper will be shredded or dissolved.



Article 5 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)


The council processes personal information only within the scope specified in Article 2 (Purpose of collecting and using personal information) and provides personal information to third parties only in cases falling under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the member or special provisions of the law. The lawmaker provides personal information to third parties as follows


To whom

Recipient's Purpose of Use

What personal information to provide

Retention and usage periods

Medisian Inc.

Website operation and management
DB management
Utilization of marketing
and advertising

Statistics/analysis and product/service development

Email, mobile phone number, gender, date of birth, name, service usage history, cookies

Until termination
(withdrawal of membership)
(However, if a different period is specified in the relevant laws and regulations, the period shall be followed)



Article 6 (Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing)


The National Assembly entrusts the processing of personal information for the smooth performance of its business, including the provision of better services and customer convenience. In this case, the council provides only the minimum information necessary for the company to perform its duties and manages and supervises personal information so that it can be safely managed. Currently, the personal information processing companies are as follows





Content of the assignment

Retention and usage periods

Medisian Inc.

System Operations
Utilization of marketing and advertising
Statistics/analysis and product/service development
CCTV management

Until the end of the outsourcing agreement

Samkwang Medical Foundation

Pathological examination (personal information collected for the examination, such as name, hospital registration number, etc.)

Until the end of the outsourcing agreement

By Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, when entering into a consignment contract, the National Assembly specifies in documents such as contracts the prohibition of processing personal information other than to perform consignment work, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-consignment, management, and supervision of the consignee, and responsibilities such as compensation for damages, and supervises whether the consignee processes personal information safely.


 If the contents of the consignment work or the trustee change, we will disclose it through this privacy policy without delay. 



Article 7 (Rights and Obligations of Members and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them)


Customers may exercise their rights to view, correct, delete, or request suspension of processing of their personal information at any time.


1. Customers can view or modify their registered personal information at any time, and can also request to unsubscribe (withdraw consent).


2. To view or modify your personal information, click "Change Personal Information" (or "Modify Membership Information") on MyPage after logging in, and to cancel membership (withdraw consent), click "Withdraw Membership" to view, modify, or withdraw directly after going through the identification procedure. Or contact the person in charge of personal information protection in writing, by phone, or by email, and we will take action without delay.


3. If you request the correction of errors in your personal information, we will not use or provide such personal information until the correction is completed. In addition, if we have already provided incorrect personal information to a third party, we will notify the third party of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.


4. the Council handles personal information that has been terminated or deleted at the request of a customer or legal representative as specified in "3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information" and does not allow it to be viewed or used for any other purpose. 


Article 8 (How to withdraw consent / withdraw membership)

You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information at any time during membership registration. To withdraw your membership, you can click "Withdraw" on the My page of the councilor's website and go through the identity verification process, or you can contact the personal information protection grievance department in writing, by phone, or by fax, and we will take necessary measures such as destroying your personal information without delay.


Article 9 (Measures to ensure the safety of personal information)


The National Assembly takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.


1. conduct regular self-audits

We conduct regular self-audits at least once a year to ensure reliability in handling personal information.


2. minimize and train personal information handling staff

We take measures to manage personal information by designating and minimizing the number of employees who handle personal information.

 measures to minimize personal information.


3. Technical measures against hacking, etc.

To prevent the leakage and damage of personal information by hacking or computer viruses, the lawmaker shall install a security program and periodically update and inspect the system.

 To prevent leakage of personal information and damage by hacking or viruses, the lawmaker installs a security program, periodically updates and inspects it, installs the system in an area with controlled access from the outside, and monitors and blocks

 to prevent the leakage of personal information by hacking or viruses, periodic updates and inspections, and setting up the system in an area with controlled access from the outside.


 4. Encryption of personal information

Your personal information is stored and managed with encrypted passwords so that only you can know it.

 For sensitive data, we use separate security features such as encrypting file and transmission data or using a file lock function.


5. Retain access records and prevent tampering

We keep and manage records of access to the personal information processing system for at least one year, but we do not add personal information or process uniquely identifiable or sensitive information about members over 50,000.

 When adding personal information or processing uniquely identifiable or sensitive information about 50,000 or more members, it is kept and managed for 2 years or more.

 When adding personal information about 50,000 or more members or processing unique identifiers or sensitive information, it is kept and managed for more than 2 years.

We also use security features to prevent access records from being falsified, stolen, or lost.


6. Restrict access to personal information

Granting, changing, and canceling access rights to the database system that processes personal information.

 Necessary measures are taken to control access to personal information, and an intrusion prevention system is used to control unauthorized access from the outside.

 unauthorized access from outside.



7. Use a lock to secure your documents

Keep documents and secondary storage media containing personal information in a secure, locked location.

 We will


8. Control access for unauthorized users

Separate physical storage areas for personal information and implement access control procedures.

 access control procedures.



Article 10 (Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices)


To provide you with personalized and customized services, we use "cookies" to store and retrieve your information from time to time.


A cookie is a very small text file that the server used to operate the website sends to the browser used by the member and is stored on the hard disk of the member's device (PC/smartphone/tablet PC, etc.). When a member subsequently visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the hard disk of the member's device to maintain the member's preferences and provide customized services.


Members may refuse to store or delete cookies at any time. Accordingly, members can set options on their web browsers to accept all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to store cookies, it may be difficult to provide some services. You can specify whether or not to allow cookies to be installed as follows.


1. for Internet Explorer

1) Click [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu at the top of your web browser

2) Click the [Privacy] tab

3) Set the [Privacy Level


2. for Chrome

1) In the [Settings] menu on the right side of the web browser, click [Show advanced settings] in the screen flowerbed.

2) Under [Privacy], click the [Content Settings] button and set it to [Cookies].



Section 11 (Privacy Officer)


The House of Representatives is responsible for the overall handling of personal information and designates a personal information protection officer as follows to handle complaints and damage relief for members related to the handling of personal information.



Privacy Officer

Department Name


Job Title


First Name

Eunseo Song





Fax number



Members may contact the personal information protection officer and the department in charge for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaints, and damage relief arising from the use of the service (or business) of the lawmaker. The Member will respond to and handle the Member's inquiries without delay.



Article 12 (Request for access to personal information)

 Members may request access to personal information under Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act to the following departments. The legislator will endeavor to promptly process a member's request for access to personal information.


Personal information access request reception and processing department

Department Name


Job Title


First Name

Eunseo Song





Fax number




Article 13 (Remedies for Infringement of Rights)

Members may apply for dispute resolution or consultation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee or the Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency to receive relief from personal information infringement. For other reports and consultations on personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations.


1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)

2. Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)

3. Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office: 1301 (without area code) (www.spo.go.kr)

4. National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (ecrm.cyber.go.kr)


"A person whose rights or interests have been infringed by a disposition or omission made by the head of a public institution in response to a request under the provisions of Articles 35 (Access to Personal Information), 36 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information), and 37 (Suspension of Processing of Personal Information) of the Personal Information Protection Act may file an administrative appeal by the Administrative Appeals Act.


For more information about administrative appeals, please refer to the Central Administrative Appeals Commission website (www.simpan.go.kr).



Article 14 (Installation and Operation of Image Information Processing Equipment)

The National Assembly installs and operates video information processing equipment as follows.


1. Basis and Purpose of Installing Video Information Processing Equipment

 - Facility safety and fire prevention

 - Crime prevention for member safety


2. number of installations, installation locations, and coverage area

Installation logarithms

Installation location and coverage


All areas of the clinic and major facilities (operating rooms, prep rooms, etc.)



3. the person in charge of managing the image information processing equipment and access authorization


Image Information Processing Equipment Manager

Department Name


Job Title


First Name

Eunseo Song





Fax number




4. recording time, storage period, storage location, and processing method of video information

Shooting time

Retention period


24 hours

30 days from the date of shooting

Senate Server Room


Processing method: Record and manage requests regarding the use of personal information for other purposes, provision to third parties, destruction, and access, and permanently delete (shred or burn in the case of printouts) in a way that cannot be restored upon expiration of the retention period.


5. How and where to check video information

 You can check by contacting the person in charge of management or an authorized person in advance, or by visiting the department in charge.


6. Measures to respond to members' requests to view video information, etc.

You must apply with a request for access to personal video information and confirmation of the existence, and access is allowed only when the member is filmed or when it is necessary for the member's life, body, or property interests.


In the following cases, the information subject's request to view personal video information may be denied. In this case, the person in charge of management shall notify the information subject of the reason for refusal in writing within 10 days.

1. materially interferes with the investigation, prosecution, or trial of a crime.

2. if the storage period of personal visual information has expired and it is destroyed

3. there is a significant risk of infringing on the privacy rights of others by taking necessary measures to comply with the request, such as viewing.

4. there is a legitimate reason to deny the request, such as access to other information.


7. Technical, administrative, and physical measures to protect video information

In addition, as a managerial measure to protect personal video information, the lawmakers grant differential access rights to personal information, and to prevent falsification and alteration of personal video information, the date of creation, purpose of viewing, viewer, and date of viewing are recorded and managed. In addition, a lock is installed for safe physical storage of personal video information.



section 15 (changes to the privacy policy)

This Privacy Policy is effective as of June 20, 2022.