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Site Terms of Use


Chapter 1 General

These terms and conditions are intended to set forth the terms, conditions, procedures, and other necessary terms and conditions for the use of the www.cellreand.com service (the "Service") provided by Celian (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").


section 2 (definitions of terms)

As used in these Terms, the following terms have the following definitions


1'Member' means a person who has been granted a user number (ID) by providing personal information to receive the service, and is divided into regular members and free members.


2 "User number (ID)" refers to a combination of letters and numbers assigned to a member for identification and use of member services.


3 "Password" means a combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to confirm the match between the member's user number and the member and to protect the member's rights and interests.


4 "Termination" refers to the termination of the service contract by the lawmaker and member after the service is opened.


section 3 (validity, modification, and application of terms)


1. these terms are effective upon posting on the Service or otherwise notifying members.


2. The lawmaker may change these terms and conditions arbitrarily, and if the lawmaker revises the terms and conditions, it will be notified on the service screen along with the current terms and conditions from 7 days before the date of application to the day before the date of application, specifying the date of application and the reason for the revision.


3. any new items added to the Services will be subject to these Terms unless otherwise noted.


4. Matters not mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Basic Telecommunications Act, Telecommunications Business Act, other relevant laws, and the Service Usage Guide.


Chapter 2 Membership Agreement


section 4 (acceptance of terms)

If a customer presses the "Agree" button when asked to agree to these Terms to sign up, they will be deemed to have agreed to the Terms.


Article 5 (Membership)

1. The membership contract is established when the customer who has agreed to these terms and conditions applies for membership by recording all user information required by the prescribed membership application form prescribed by the councilor, and the councilor accepts the application.


2. All user information entered in the membership application form to use the service is considered to be real data, and users who do not enter their real name or real information are not entitled to legal protection and may be subject to restrictions on the service.


Article 6 (Acceptance of Membership)

1. The Member accepts the application for use of the service except in cases 2 and 3 for customers who apply for membership under Article 5.


2. If a lawmaker falls under any of the following subparagraphs, he or she may withhold approval until the reason for the restriction is resolved.


If you don't have enough service-related facilities2013-02-20

Technical difficulties

If the member fails to pay to use the paid content

As otherwise deemed necessary by the councilor


3. A lawmaker may not approve a bill if it falls under any of the following subparagraphs.


If you applied using someone else's name

If you apply for membership by entering false user information.

The application is made to disrupt the public order or morals of society.

④ Other cases that do not meet the prescribed application requirements for lawmakers


Section 7 (Changes to Member Information)

If the user information entered when applying for the service is changed, the member must correct it online, and the member is responsible for any problems arising from the failure to do so.


section 8 (consent to use of member information)


Member information that the Member of Parliament requires to be entered in the application for use shall be used to fulfill this use agreement and provide services under the use agreement.


Member information may be provided to lawmakers and affiliated companies for members to conveniently use the services of lawmakers and affiliated companies. In this case, the lawmaker will notify in advance, and members who do not agree to this may cancel their registration. However, members who continue to use the service shall be deemed to agree to this.


The Member may send cookies to the Member's computer through the Services. Members may change their web browser settings to refuse to receive cookies or to warn them about receiving cookies.


Chapter 3 Obligations of the contracting parties


Article 9 (Duties of Members of Congress)

1. the Member shall not engage in any act prohibited by the Act and these Terms and Conditions and shall endeavor to provide continuous and stable services.


2. A member of parliament may not disclose or distribute personal information of a member acquired in connection with the provision of services to others without the prior consent of the member; however, this may not be the case if it falls under subparagraph 1 of the following.


(1) When requested by a state agency by the provisions of laws such as the Telecommunications Basic Act.

For criminal investigations or as requested by the Information and Communications Ethics Commission.

③ When requested by the procedures outlined in other applicable laws and regulations.


3. a Member of Parliament may compile and use statistical data on the personal information of all or part of the Members in connection with the work of the Member within the scope of paragraph (2).


Section 10 (Privacy Policy)

The National Assembly endeavors to protect the personal information entered when registering for membership and financial transaction information acquired while providing services, and the personal information of members shall be protected by the National Assembly's 'Personal Information Protection Policy' and related laws and regulations.


Article 11 (Obligations of Members)

1. The member's information entered when registering must be accurate, and you must ensure that accurate member information is maintained.


2. members are responsible for maintaining their IDs and passwords and are solely responsible for any consequences of using their IDs and passwords, and must immediately notify the Council if their IDs and passwords are used without their authorization.


3. Members shall comply with the matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, related laws and regulations, service use guidelines, and matters and precautions separately notified by lawmakers.


4. Members must not engage in any of the following behaviors


(1) Using another member's user number (ID)

Copying, altering, using, or providing information obtained from the service to others for purposes other than the member's use without the prior consent of the member.

③ Infringing on the copyright of a lawmaker or the copyright of others

④ Disseminating content that violates the public order or morals of society.

⑤ Conduct that could lead to a criminal offense

⑥ Other acts that violate applicable laws and regulations


5. Members shall comply with any restrictions on use posted or otherwise announced by the Member.


6. Members may not engage in any commercial activities without the prior consent of a Member of Parliament.


section 12 (no assignment)

Members may not transfer or assign the right to use the Service or other contractual status to others, nor may they pledge it as collateral.


Chapter 4 Using the Services


Article 13 (Provision of Information)

The lawmaker may provide various information deemed necessary for the member to use the service to the member by e-mail or regular mail, and the member may refuse to receive the information by notifying the member of the intention to refuse to receive the information through e-mail.

Section 14 (Deleting Posts)

The Member of Parliament shall not be liable for the contents of posts and e-mails or other methods transmitted by members and may delete them without the prior consent of the member if they fall under any of the following subparagraphs.

(1) engaging in behavior that slanders other members or specific individuals, violates personal privacy, or damages the reputation of others.

There is a risk of disrupting the stable operation of the service.

③ If there is a risk of infringing on the rights of lawmakers or others, such as intellectual property rights.

④ If the posting period stipulated by the lawmaker is exceeded

⑤ If we believe that you are involved in other criminal activities or violate applicable laws.

Article 15 (Service Hours)

1. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is a business or technical problem of the lawmaker, and the time specifically set by the lawmaker due to regular maintenance is not applicable. However, in this case, we will notify you in advance.

2. The lawmaker may exceptionally restrict some or all of the services if there is an obstacle to normal service due to force majeure, such as problems with the facilities for the service or excessive use.

3. Some services provided by the Member of Parliament may have separate usage hours, and in this case, the Member will be notified of the usage hours in advance.

Article 16 (Responsibility for Service Use)

Members may not engage in illegal commercial activities, business activities such as advertising, hacking, illegal distribution of commercial software, or posting of obscene posts through the service, and the member shall not be liable for any losses or legal actions by related organizations.

Article 17 (Discontinuation of Service Provision)

1. a lawmaker may discontinue the provision of service if any of the following applies.

(1) Due to construction such as expansion or repair of facilities

When a telecommunications service provider stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act stops providing telecommunications services.

③ If the service is not available due to other force majeure.

2. the Member shall notify the Member of any suspension of service provision except in cases of force majeure such as national emergency, natural disaster, etc.

Chapter 5 Termination and Limitations

Article 18 (Termination of Contract and Restriction of Service Use)

1. If a member wishes to terminate the membership contract, the member must notify the member's real name, user number (ID), and resident registration number and apply for termination.

2. The member may terminate the membership contract or suspend the use of the service without prior notice if the member has engaged in any of the following acts under subparagraph 1.

(1) Intentionally interfering with the operation of the service.

Disseminating content that violates the public order and morals of society.

③ Fraudulently using someone else's user ID and password

④ If you entered false information when registering as a member

⑤ Illegally copying, distributing, or commercially utilizing the contents of the Service without the prior consent of the Member.

⑥ Defamation of others or distribution of illegal software, etc.

⑦ If you engage in any other behavior that violates applicable laws and regulations

Chapter 6 Intellectual Property

Article 19 (Intellectual Property Rights)

1. Members are responsible for the rights and responsibilities of the materials posted by members on the service, and members may not use them for commercial purposes other than the service without the consent of the member.

2. Members may not use, modify, rent, distribute, transfer, or otherwise use any materials, services, software, trademarks, etc. that have intellectual property rights of a Member of Congress or an affiliated entrepreneur without the written consent of the Member of Congress.

Chapter 7 Damages and Competent Court

Article 20 (Compensation for Damages) The Member shall not be liable for any damages incurred while the service is free of charge unless caused by the Member's intention or negligence.

section 21 (disclaimer)

1. the lawmaker is exempted from responsibility for providing the service if it cannot provide the service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure.

2. the Member is exempted from liability for any failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the Member.

3. the member shall not be liable for any loss of profit expected by the member by using the service and shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by the member's selection of materials.

4. lawmakers are exempt from liability for the reliability and accuracy of information, materials, and facts posted by members of the Service.

5. the lawmaker is not obligated to intervene in disputes that have arisen through the service between members or between members and third parties and is not responsible for compensating for any damages caused by them.

6. If a member's violation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions causes damage to a lawmaker, the member who violated the Terms and Conditions shall compensate for all damages caused to the lawmaker and shall indemnify the lawmaker from such damages.

Section 22 (Venue)

If a lawsuit is filed for a dispute arising from the use of the Service, including fees, the court having jurisdiction over the headquarters location of the Member shall have exclusive jurisdiction.



[ Addendum ] (Effective Date) These Terms are effective June 20, 2022.